Saturday, August 16, 2014

MisterMJ Preseason NFL

Just to touch base with everybody. 

We will probably have some NFL Preseason Picks next week in week #3 and week #4 based on long term historical coaching trends. I have found that weeks #3 and #4 are the most predictable as coaches use certain patterns to gear up for the season openers. 

Here is an excellent article and break down of some of the things we will be looking at:

We will be running two  NFL Systems that now go through out the playoffs, and one NCAAF System that goes through the Bowl Season. 

Sign up here for the 2014 NFL / NCAAF All inclusive Package if you haven't already:

 The NFL EMO's system in particular has 7 seasons without a losing record in any one season, and has proven itself as a steady NFL performer based on nearly 200 NFL picks.

 I believe subscribing to the service is a value based on the long term success of the NFL EMO's alone. 

EMO NFL System  (2007-2013 Record 112-83 57.43% ATS)
 NFL EMO's are picks that play on or play against strong emotional factors that I have identified using statistics and situations. The NFL season is a war of attrition and emotional factors play a huge part of weekly match ups and can be used to predict performance against the spread.

See you next week for a look at NFL Preseason Week # 3

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