I've been asked by many if I'm going to start charging for my picks...the answer is NO. But I'm not afraid to ask for your support, as I know I try to provide a very very good service for free.
I'll keep this short and sweet.
If you have done well with my picks, NBA, MLB RL System or past NFL... donations are accepted through the PayPal button upper right of my blog...I don't ask for much, but if each of you made a small donation it would at least help pay for my time.
I spend at least an hour or two per day...every day to keep this all going. And yes...I do make nice money off my picks myself...but it's only fair...I would like to cover my time and effort when I provide a service with a winning record.
If you don't want to make a donation...I do not require it...they are "free picks"...and will remain so as long as I feel like doing this. Other ways to support my efforts are to tell your friends...the more members that sign up for the email service gives me more opportunities for ads and donations. Also...each post has a small envelope symbol below it that allows you to email my post to a friend to help spread the word.
Thank You! in advance... and I look forward to the new NFL Season and very soon a new NBA Season.
P.S. I will provide the "3 Pack" of NFL picks...3 per week for the regular season for free as I always have.
Last year I also experimented with a "5 Pack" ...5 picks per week of the regular season and it more than doubled the units won.
If anyone is interested in the "5 Pack" ...they are available by request with special restrictions.
Click the email button in the upper right of the blog to email me for more information.
Hi I clicked on donate button and it dont work hahaha. I will try again later
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