Wednesday, May 16, 2018

MisterMJ MLB 5/16...Going to Twitter

I am tracking a couple of Cycle plays today...and I have a qualified SDQL pick. All posted on Twitter.

I still don't know where this is all going...but I know that it is going some where. ;-)

I have offers for partnerships...I have various ideas of my own...I'm going to keep playing around with baseball until I get it figured out. 

I definitely want to keep things Free or as close to free as possible...and yet provide value to sports bettors.

I do know....that for now anyway...I am going to post my tracking and  picks exclusively on Twitter to save some time and be more efficient. 

I will still post articles and things to the blog occasionally but I will not use the blog to deliver picks. 

Maybe in the Fall I will go back to blog posts for football since it's a once a week type of thing.

Unless I get a huge backlash from people...I would prefer to use Twitter for releasing picks.

So...follow me on Twitter...or I have a Twitter feed that updates at

Follow me on Twitter:

And Always Find Me at or View the Twitter Feed There: 

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